Listen to "Carnival of animals" with a child

Caring parents, who are deeply not indifferent to the future of their children, are well aware that music perfectly develops the intellect, thinking, memory and attention of children. However, not everyone is able to bring listening to music with a child to a higher level than just background perception. It turns out that listening to music with a child is not only necessary, but also possible. How to do this?

Psychologists have long known that young children have imaginative thinking. Up to a certain age, words for them do not have the same meaning as for adults.

Illustration for the play “Royal March of the Lion” from the “Carnival of Animals”

For example, if a child hears the word "tree", to a certain age it means little to him. But if mom shows him a picture of a tree or, even better, they will go out into the yard, go to the tree, and he will try to grasp the trunk with his little hands, and then hold his palms along the rough trunk, then this word will not be an empty shaking for him .

Therefore, for kids, you should choose music with pronounced images and ideas. It is possible, of course, to listen to works that do not possess them, but in this case, the images will have to be invented by parents. For the child, the closest are the images he has already encountered somewhere, therefore, the most successful beginning will undoubtedly be "Animal Carnival"written by famous composer Camille Saint-Saensome.

Today we will focus on three plays included in this cycle, namely "Royal March of Lions", "Aquarium" and "Antelope". All these works are diverse, which will help the child to understand the difference in characters.

The composition of the Carnival Animal instruments is somewhat unusual: a string quintet, 2 flutes and a clarinet, 2 pianos, a xylophone and even a glass harmonica. And this is also the advantages of this cycle: the child will be able to get acquainted with both stringed instruments, piano, and wind instruments.

So, before you start listening to works from this cycle, you should prepare in advance:

  • Figures of necessary animals;
  • Props, which will help both the child and parents to reincarnate in these animals. For example, for a lion, it will be a mane from a scarf, and for antelope - a horn made from pencils;
  • Fantasy! This is the most important and necessary component.

Illustration for the play “Swan” from the “Carnival of Animals”

You need to live music with your child, and for this, the active participation of the child is certainly important. Having reincarnated into a lion, he will catch the character of the march, understand where the lions steal, and where they solemnly step out.

Likewise with "Antelopes", a child, having plenty of jumping, will never confuse this music with any other. At its first chords, graceful antelopes will stand before his eyes.

As for the "Aquarium", while listening to this work, the child will calm down: he will perceive the kingdom of fish as a silent, quiet, but beautiful world.

You can depict actions with the help of toys, draw or even sculpt. Everything that a child likes is suitable. And gradually he will be able to accurately recognize any work of them from this cycle, and a little later, and the instruments that play them.

Listening to music should bring joy, both adults and children. The smile and joy of a child who has heard a familiar piece of music is in the hands of parents. Do not forget about it!

Watch the video: Roxette - Listen To Your Heart (March 2025).

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