About the benefit of playing the recorder - a tool for the harmonious development of the musical abilities of the child

You are a caring parent, and you care about the development of your child and, as a result, the fate of his child? You are in search of various teaching methods for the child, and you are wondering which of them is the most effective?

In this case, there is one answer that would surely interest a great many caring parents. This is learning to play the recorder. Here are just a few facts about this tool.

  • Recorder is now gaining considerable popularity in ethnic groups, especially among young people. She finds more and more new fans. Its capabilities are quite large, and it is not just a "pipe", but a real musical instrument.
  • A recorder is a small longitudinal flute. It belongs to the family of woodwind instruments, made of wood or plastic. On the case you can see a few small "holes-spots" for fingers.
  • The recorder by weight is very light; it takes up so little space that you can take it with you everywhere. Just imagine: a warm summer evening, you sit by the fire in a friendly company and play the recorder. Most likely this will add to your popularity and attention.
  • The voice of such a flute is very pleasant, unsharp and melodious. Not without reason, in Waldorf schools the recorder is widely used in the learning process: the teacher with its help convenes the children, and besides, almost all the children learn to play it.

About the benefits of childish playing the recorder

But do not think that the blocklet gives only musical development. The range of its ennobling effects is much wider. Learning to play the recorder perfectly develops memory and attention, which is so necessary for schoolchildren and those children who are just about to cross the threshold of the school. Articulation is also developing very well, which helps to eliminate logopedic difficulties.

The child will constantly engage in breathing exercises, and, therefore, his voice will also get stronger. A recorder is "prescribed" to children suffering from frequent diseases of the respiratory organs and even with more serious health problems.

And further. Do not forget about fine motor skills. Yes, yes, finger coordination is extremely effective in developing the fine motor skills of a child. After all, you need to constantly think about how now you have to put your fingers in order for the recorder to produce its delicate sound. But we all know how fine motor skills help develop the child’s intellectual abilities, therefore, we can safely say that playing the recorder will make your child smarter.

The last aspect, but no less important than the two previous ones, is the psychological side of the question. A recorder will give your child a sense of self-reliance, as well as a sense of significance, so necessary for each person. This tool, despite the fact that it is becoming increasingly popular, however, remains unique. Consequently, your child will acquire a unique skill, will be different from others, which will also positively respond to his self-esteem.

The advantages of a recorder weight, ranging from its size and ending with its price. Just imagine your child playing, for example, on the cello. Of course, this tool also has many advantages, but the recorder is in a more favorable light in weight and size.

The price of this flute is so small that it cannot be compared even with going to the grocery store. Even if someone accidentally sits on it or some other damage happens, nothing bad will happen, because you can simply buy a new tool, and it will not be costly.

Probably, you have already seen the huge benefits of learning to play this instrument. Now the task is to find a talented and experienced teacher for your child. But that's another story.

Watch the video: Why learning to play music helps kids learn everything else better (March 2025).

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