K. Saint-Saens "Animal Carnival"

"Animal Carnival"

Camille Saint-Saens

"Animal Carnival" is a comic suite of the world famous composer C. Saint-Saens, which was written for the chamber ensemble. The unique musical work that conquered the whole world, but was condemned by its own author! Saint-Saens personally put a ban on the publishing house "Carnival of Animals", so as not to "become famous as the author of stupid musical works." But fate prepared for this masterpiece of the composer eternal immortality.

The original idea of ​​this composition was a gift in the form of a musical joke, which the composer prepared for the concert of S. Lebouk. It was at this concert that the first performance of the world famous suite in March 1886 sounded. The author personally played one of the parts for piano. The Animal Carnival instantly brought him worldwide fame, not only as a performer, but also as a composer. The piece was instantly included in many concert repertoires, it was shifted to all possible instruments and processed many times. For more than a hundred years, the "Carnival of Animals" never ceases to amaze listeners with its originality and originality!

The suite consists of fourteen fragments, each of which has its own name. It certainly tells us which animal is represented in the work and the carnival is begun by the king of animals - Leo, who is masterfully shown in the play "Lion March". Next, one after another, replacing each other a string of animals. This fussy "Chickens and roosters", rapid "Antelope" and "Kangaroo", slow "Turtles". There are also calm, fascinating compositions "Aquarium" and "Swan", which are loved by the audience thanks to the amazing melodiousness and amazingly beautiful music.

"Carnival of animals" will appeal not only to adults, but also to the youngest viewers. Together with the musicians, they will gladly reflect on which animal draws music. Such software works are very useful for musical education, development of creative skills of your child. Give the children a real holiday by inviting our symphony orchestra, which will perform the Carnival of the Animals for them.

Watch the video: SAINT SAËNS LE CYGNE THE SWAN (March 2025).

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