Learning the basics of musical notation

The basics of musical notation are how serious music lessons begin. In this brief article there will be nothing superfluous, just simple basics of musical notation.

There are only seven notes, their names are familiar to everyone since childhood: do re mi fa salt la ci. This series of seven basic notes can be continued by repeating them in any direction - direct or reverse. Each new repetition of this series will be called octave.

The two most important dimensions in which music exists are - space and time. This is exactly what is reflected in the musical notation: the component of space - pitch, time component - rhythm.

Notes are recorded with special icons in the form of ellipses (ovals). To display the pitch of the sound used notoner: the higher the note sounds, the higher is its location on the rulers (or between the rulers) of the not-bearer. Consummate is out of five lineswhich are considered bottom up.

Notes are used to record the exact pitch of the notes. keys - special signs that indicate landmarks on a noteplate. For example:

Treble clef means that the salt of the first octave, which occupies the second ruler, is taken as the reference point.

Bass clef means that behind the point of reference becomes a note of the fa of a small octave, which is recorded on the fourth ruler.

Alto key means that the note to the first octave is recorded on the third ruler.

Tenor key says that the note to the first octave is recorded on the fourth line.

These are the most commonly used keys in musical practice - not every musician can read notes in all these keys freely, most often the average musician owns two or three keys. You can learn more about how to memorize notes in the treble and bass clef from special training, which gives tangible results after working through all the exercises. Click here to read.

As a rule, the basics of musical notation are explained on the example of a treble clef. See how it looks and go on.

Time in music is not measured in seconds, but in lobeshowever, by the way they evenly alternate in their movement, they can be compared with the passage of seconds, with even beats of the pulse or the bell. The speed or slowness of shifts is determined by the overall speed of the music, called the pace. The duration of each beat per second can be calculated empirically using an hourglass or stopwatch and metronome - A special device that gives the exact number of identical beats-fractions per minute.

To record the rhythm in the notes are displayed duration every note. The graphic expression of the duration refers to changes in the appearance of the icon - it can be painted over or not painted over, have a calm (wand) or a tail. Each duration takes a certain number of shares or their parts:

As already mentioned, the beats organize the musical time, but not all beats play the same role in this process. In a broad sense, shares are divided into strong (heavy) and the weak (lungs). Strong beats can be compared to stress in words, and weak beats, respectively, with unstressed syllables. And what is interesting! In music, stressed and unstressed syllables (beats) alternate in the same way as in poetic dimensions. And even this alternation itself is called nothing other than the size, only in the versification the size cell is called the foot, and in music - tact.

So, tact - This time from one strong share to the next strong share. The size of the beat has a numeric expression that resembles a fraction, in which the "numerator" and "denominator" will indicate the parameters of the measure: the numerator - how many shares, the denominator - what note can be measured by duration

The measure size is indicated once at the beginning of the piece after the keys. Sizes are simple and complex. Naturally, those who began to learn the basics of musical literacy, first of all get acquainted with simple sizes. Simple sizes are two-and three-pieces, complex ones are those that are composed (folded) of two or more simple ones (for example, four-pieces or six-pieces).

What is important to understand? It is important to understand that the size determines the exact "portion" of music that can be "crammed" in one measure (no more and no less). If the beat is 2/4, then this means that only two quarter notes will fit in the beat. Another thing is that these quarters can be split up into eighths and sixteenth notes, or combined into half durations (and then one half note takes the entire beat).

Well, that's enough for today. This is not all musical notation, but a really good basis. In the following articles you will learn a lot of new things, for example, what is sharp and flat, what is the difference between vocal and instrumental music recordings, how the “famous” Am and Em chords are deciphered. In general, stay tuned, write your questions in the comments, share material with friends in contact (use the social buttons at the bottom of the page).


Watch the video: HOW TO READ MUSIC IN 15 MINUTES (March 2025).

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