Ellie Goulding (Ellie Goulding): biography, best songs, interesting facts

Ellie Goulding (Ellie Goulding)

Who's that girl? Actress, singer, composer; she wrote soundtracks for such works: "Fifty shades of freedom", "Love lives three years", "Milkworms", "Kick-Ass", etc .; her singles take the first places in the world charts, and critics of the BRIT Awards give her the victory. But behind all the glory there is a long journey in which there is everything: the departure of the father, a terrible stepfather, life in a poor family on the outskirts of Herefordshire. Perhaps that is why her songs are full of personal experiences, reflections and feelings.

Short biography

Ellie was born on the eve of the new, 1987 - December 30, in the city of Hereford, Herefordshire, after which her parents and Ellie went to Lyonshall, where all the future singer's childhood passed. She speaks about her native village, if not with joy, then at least with sad notes of nostalgia: "Now I understand that 50 square kilometers and 750 numbers is indecently small. But then it seemed to me that I would not have enough life to bypass it all. Speaking frankly, Lionshall is a forgotten hole by God, but I still want to go back there. "

At the age of 5, the girl faced the departure of her father from the family. It is not known what caused the separation of Arthur (father) and Tracy (mother), but since then they have never communicated. Ellie reacted very emotionally to the divorce, which coincides with the crisis of 5 years. It develops egocentrism and an overwhelming sense of guilt over the father’s departure from the family. Further accusations of themselves lead to bouts of auto-aggression. All this was aggravated by the fact that Tracy, in the first months after the divorce, was paid little attention to the world around her, completely withdrawing into herself. Ellie's condition caused anxiety to the teacher, who asked for help from the school psychologist. The psychologist began a psychocorrection session, later connecting his mother to it.

Three years later, when she was 8 years old, her mother introduces her to her new boyfriend. Soon they got married and began to live together: Ellie, Tracy and stepfather. In one interview, Ellie answered the question about this time period: "I hated him with all my soul. He seemed to me loose and ugly. He always smelled like a dirty machine or engine ... I knew that he was a driver, but still I can not understand why he did not regularly attend the shower ... ". After his stepfather moved in with him, Ellie begins to experience negative emotions towards her mother: “At this age, it seems that all actions are simple and understandable, and if this is not so, then they are wrong. For a long time I was angry with my stepfather, the lack of money for always screaming brother and sisters. We constantly quarrel over trifles. Once I even accused her of leaving my father. I still feel ashamed of my action. "

At 9 years old, and not resigned to his stepfather, Ellie finds his consolation in the music. She is interested in Soul, having found in him a certain emotional outlet. Her favorite soul singers are Stevie Wonder, Al Green and Van Morrison. The latter hooked her so much with her singing that in the future she would run away from home for the trip to Belfast, the performer's hometown. Listening to soul songs, the girl falls in love with brass music. She even asks her mother to write it down for clarinet lessons that were held near their home.

For Ellie Goulding, the transitional age was not only a transition from childhood to adulthood, but also the beginning of her acting and musical career. At the age of 13 she finishes studying the clarinet, having received all possible knowledge from a tutor. In an interview, she very emotionally told about this event: “For me it was a tragedy. Of course, I was already a big girl, and somewhere in my heart I realized that for the last 5-6 months I haven’t learned anything new, but I was aware of the fact that in my head I found that finding such a qualified teacher in such a village was incredible luck. But my heart refused to accept the arguments of reason. The music teacher, realizing what talent is hidden in Ally, recommends that you start exploring other instruments. Initially, she refused this idea, but soon the desire to create overpowered stubbornness.

At the same age, due to the peculiarities of the education system in England, she enters the Margaret Hawkins Academy, which is located in Kingston, not far from her native village. At the academy, she goes to guitar lessons, attends all sorts of musical events, and at the semi-professional level begins to study music. Also, in the first year of her studies, Ellie enters the theater circle. They even performed in the city theater with their production of The Amazing Wizard of Oz, where Ally played the role of Scarecrow. The coming years she will not have time for theater and acting classes, but she will always remember that feeling when she first appeared on the stage.

Ellie's first achievements in music fall on the period of her studies. At the age of 15 she begins to write songs, but she does not dare to show them to people. Ellie overcame her fear several years later while studying at Hereford College. She participates in a music contest where she takes the first place. This helps Ally Golding to get rid of fears, and motivates you to spend even more energy writing songs.

The next victory the girl won at the University of Kent. It is here that Ally takes a closer look at electronic music, immediately falling in love with this direction. In the second year of study announce a talent contest, which can come anyone. Wanting to check herself again, she again goes to the scene with the author's composition. Ellie's voice and the words of her song hit the jury, but she did not win the contest itself. On this career future world famous singer could have ended if the jury did not sit Jamie Lilwight. He appreciated Ellie's vocal and song lyrics. Therefore, he suggested that the girl sign a contract with the English music company "Turn First Aritsts". After an interview with Sarah Stennet, the head of the company, Ellie left the university and moved to West London, where the company rented an apartment for her.

Ellie Golding's further career can be divided into 4 stages:

  • Early work and first album;
  • Albums and concerts;
  • Creating soundtracks and acting;
  • Creative crisis.

The first stage begins with the signing of a contract with Polydor Record in 2009. In the same year, November 9, Ally releases her debut track "Under the Sheets". Next year, in 2010, she will present her first album "Light" on February 26th. In addition to the already released tracks "Under the Sheets" and "Starry Eyed", the album included "Guns and Horses" and "The Writer"

The second stage is marked by the re-release of her debut album, under the new name "Bright Lights". It includes six new tracks that captivated the listeners. Also, Ally began to mumble at various festivals and concerts: Dot to Dot, Glastonbury, iTunes Festival and others.

During the third stage of his career, Ellie began writing soundtracks for various films and TV shows. Her tracks sound in such popular films: "Twilight. Saga: Breaking Dawn", "Bridget Jones 3", "Wolves and Sheep", "Time Machine in Jacuzzi 2". After a close acquaintance with the world of the film industry, Ellie began shooting videos and writing scripts for them.

The last, but not the final stage of her career falls on 2014-2016. During these two years, Ally performed at hundreds of concerts, performed her compositions on television and radio programs, released several new tracks and 2 albums. However, such a rich life began to have a bad effect on her well-being and creativity. In March 2016, Ellie Golding announced that she was taking a short break. In an interview (December 2016), the girl admitted: “I used to write and feel emotional and creative exhaustion. I declare that this is not the end of my musical career, but I really need a rest.”

Interesting Facts

  • Ellie loves tattoos. At the moment, she has stuffed herself: a triangle on her wrist, paired skulls on her ankles, a white arrow on her index finger, and a lotus flower on her right breast. On Twitter, she said that in the summer she was going to cram something big and gorgeous;
  • Favorite food is nachos. Ellie Goulding admitted that she was crazy about Mexican cuisine. "Corn pita breads, hot spices, salsa. What could be better?";
  • In a performance on one English show, Ellie demonstrated her skills in the beatbox, which amazed the entire film set. She studies beatbox in her free time, having been engaged for several years now;
  • Ellie considers Taylor Swift an icon and the main star of modern music, and "We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together" - the best track in the last 20 years;
  • She currently lives in London;
  • Ellie is a very tiny girl, because her height is only 166 centimeters;
  • During her career, she earned more than $ 26 million;
  • Her natural hair color is brown, but for personal reasons she is painted in lighter colors;
  • Ellie considers alcohol as the best gift or interesting book;
  • His favorite book is The Singing of Birds by Sebastian Charles Folks.

Best songs

"First Time". The video gathered over 6 million views in the first month, and there are reasons for that. The track is soft and tender, like a first love. While listening to the song, you always sadly recall your teenage naivety and first relationship.

"First Time "(listen)

"Powerful". Track with a small admixture of "dirt". In this song, Ellie's voice penetrates deep into your bones.

"Powerful" (listen)

"Explosions". With this work, Ellie demonstrates her softness. Inner strength and raw emotions superimposed on the dramatic sounds of the piano. After listening you feel your fragility, realizing the imperfection of this world.

"Explosions" (listen)


Ally does not speak very eagerly about her relationship: “I don’t want to parade my private life. I understand that for some fans this will be a kind of betrayal, so I apologize to them in advance.” However, journalists and hard fans were able to find a few guys singer.

  • Greg James is a well-known English radio and television host. With Ellie, they met when she was invited to the BBC. Their romance began in 2010, and ended in 2011. There is no additional information about the reasons for the gap, and the main actors refuse to comment on this situation;
  • Skrillex is one of the most popular DJs in the world, included in the 10 Forbs list in this category. Their relationship with Golding began in 2011, when Scrilex called Ellie to record vocals for the song "Summit". In 2012, they parted by mutual consent, recognizing that they could not continue the relationship because of the distance and perpetual concerts;
  • Dougie Poynter is a British musician, composer and vocalist for the McFly group. Their affair began in 2013, but they officially declared themselves to be a couple only in February 2014. In 2015, they seriously discussed the issue of having a baby, and were preparing for the wedding. But Ellie suffered an emotional breakdown against the background of exhaustion of the nervous system and deterioration of health. Therefore, in 2016, they announced the breakup. Pointer refrained from commenting, Ellie was more verbose: “I take a pause from relationships, as well as from creativity. It really hurts me that I bring so many negative emotions to people who love me. I’m sure that Dougie can understand me, and after my emotional reboot, we will be together again. "

After the first acquaintance with Ellie Golding, it seems that she is a very sweet and vulnerable girl. But after a few songs comes an understanding that it has a steel rod, sharp teeth, a wild heart and an indomitable spirit. And at the very end, when you listen to all of her tracks, demos and collaborations, you realize the simple truth - it is gorgeous.

Watch the video: Ellie Goulding Biography (March 2025).

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