Musical instrument: Crumhorn

Musical instrument: Crumhorn

Krummhorn is one of the most unusual musical instruments. Look at it closely, well, because the handle of the umbrella is no different! Why the instrument has the shape of a curved hook, still no one could explain, because it does not affect the quality, volume or timbre of the sound.

The history of Kromhorn goes into the distant Middle Ages. But it is also difficult to say in which particular century. The name of the instrument in German means "crooked horn". However, it is not always a "curve" - ​​there were also direct krumhorns. True, they have not survived to the present day - but they can be seen on many artistic canvases of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance.

The sound of krumhorn is quite peculiar. It is defined as humming, nasal, and even "sniffing." Other instruments from the same group of wind reed, such as rauspfayf, kornumuz, sordun, kortholt - sound softer and more singing.

Perhaps Krummhorn would not be very memorable in musical history, if not for one curious fact. It was the favorite tool of one of the most educated kings of Europe - Henry VIII, known to the world for his nickname “Bluebeard”. The famous monarch of the Tudor dynasty, or as it is called, the most cruel romantic of his century, all his life carefully collected his collection of Crommhorn of various sizes. Here is such a king: he did not spare wives, friends and detractors, but he cherished and cherished tools. Apparently, it was for that.

Watch the video: CRUMHORN CONSORT - Al Milanese CastellArquato Manuscript - XVI Century Italian Renaissance Music! (March 2025).

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