Waltz: history and features of one of the most famous ballroom dances

Waltz: history and features of one of the most famous ballroom dances

The history of the waltz has a little more than two hundred years. By temporary standards, this is a very young and young dance, which is fully reflected in his character, swift, light and cheerful. But he catches the eye not only with energy. Waltz is literally saturated with romance, which is felt in every movement of the dancers. No wonder he is the main dance at the wedding. To earn such a "status", this dance movement had to go through a lot. We offer to know what exactly.

The history of the waltz and a lot of interesting facts about this dance, read on our page.

What is a waltz?

The name of the dance comes from the German word "walzer", which means spinning, spinning. The basis of the waltz is precisely the smooth, continuous circling of the pair with simultaneous movement around the hall. Usually novice dancers are offered to mentally present a large square, on which they are to waltz. But this is not the only feature of the dance.

For the classic waltz characteristic:

  • fast and rhythmic structure. “One, two, three. One, two, three” - this is how the rhythm of waltz steps beats off;

  • three-piece musical size. This means that each measure includes three beats, on which movements are made;

  • the dance is performed in a closed position when the partners are facing each other. In this case, the woman is a little to the right;

  • one hand a man is at the waist of his partner. She, in turn, puts her hand on his shoulder. With free hands, dancers close the figure to perform a waltz;

  • lightness, airiness and grace in every movement.

Waltz refers to ballroom dancing, that is, it is performed by two - a man and a woman. If before it was danced at balls, now it is at solemn events and competitions. The European program of sports and ballroom dancing necessarily includes slow and Viennese waltzes.

Popular Waltzes

Johann Strauss "Spring Voices". The composition was written in 1882, but for the first time music lovers could hear it only a year later. She sounded at a charity concert in the Viennese theater An der Wien.

Johann Strauss "Spring Voices" (listen)

Frederic Chopin "Waltz №.10". This is the real confession of a young and talented composer. The melody was written by him at the beginning of his career, when he met Constance Gladkovskaya. A nineteen-year-old young man did not dare to go up and get acquainted with a charming person, so the music became for him a salvation from an excess of overflowing feelings.

Frideric Chopin "Waltz №.10" (listen)

P.I. Tchaikovsky "Waltz of the Flowers" (ballet "Nutcracker"). This composition, written in waltz rhythms, is considered to be the most famous work of the author. She is known even to those who have never been to the ballet - a touching, gentle melody sounds in the Soviet cartoon" Nutcracker ".

P.I. Tchaikovsky "Waltz of the Flowers" (listen)

E.D. Mastiff "Wedding Waltz" (from the movie "My tender and gentle beast"). Only one summer night was needed for Evgeny Dmitrievich to write a bewitching waltz track. It combined romance and tragedy - two main feelings that accompanied Olga Skvortsova, the heroine of the film. The melody is still considered the most famous among the kinovalsov, written by Soviet composers. She is often chosen as the first dance newlyweds.

E.D. Doga "Wedding Waltz" (listen)

AND ABOUT. Dunaevsky "School Waltz". It was this melody that symbolized the end of school for Soviet schoolchildren. The song was written in 1950. The composer's letter to her essay was prompted by a letter from a Voronezh school graduate. She and her classmates could not write a song in which the words of gratitude to her teacher could be heard. Isaac Osipovich could not. Instead, he wrote School Waltz, which was played in every school, and not just in one of Voronezh.

AND ABOUT. Dunaevsky "School Waltz" (listen)

The history of the waltz or "Oh times! O morals!"

This expression, pronounced by the ancient Roman thinker Mark Tullius Cicero, perfectly describes the moment of the birth and development of the waltz. Aristocrats and church leaders considered him indecent and shameful. Especially indignant prudish British. How can this be, hug the young lady by the waist in front of everyone! Therefore, almost the entire XIX century waltz at European balls was banned. Even Catherine II did not recognize him.

The opinion of the highest ranks did not really care about the common people, among whom a waltz arose. Auerbach Lev Davydovich, a Soviet musicologist, refers his birth to the 70s of the XVIII century. At the same time, it is impossible to name the only country guilty of "corrupting" society. The origins of the waltz can be traced in at least three national dances:

  • Czech furiant - a real performance, where a young proud man draws a girl to his waist and begins to dance with her to funny songs;

  • the French Volt is a pair dance, which is characterized by various turns;

  • The Austrian landler was originally a matchmaking rite, but later turned into a quick dance, where the young man rotated the girl he liked around him.

It turns out that a waltz owes its appearance to many dances. However, Austria is considered to be its capital because of the greater similarity of the dance steps with the Landler.

It is noteworthy that both the furiant and the Volt and the Landler are folk dances. That is, they danced in villages and villages at various holidays. How did they get to the imperial court? The archduchess of Austria Maria Theresa helped her to spread in the highest strata of society. She liked the Landler so much that she decided to move it to the luxurious rooms of her palace. So the founder of the waltz was the focus of European grandees. High society mores began to be supplanted by simplicity of movements and freedom of expression of feelings. Gradually, the dance changed, turning into the version that is still being talked about.

Time restrictions, a total ban, all kinds of persecutions - all this was in the history of the waltz. While the secular society criticized the waltz, it was enjoyed by the French bourgeoisie and other sections of the European population who were far from the fads of the aristocrats. Even the Americans managed to adopt it.

At the same time, the dance had a strong influence on the development of various musical genres: the opera, balletsuite Specially for waltzing couples, beautiful and magnificent melodies were made that became world classics.

Full freedom waltz acquired in 1888 thanks to Wilhelm II, the last German emperor. Now, lovers could enjoy their favorite dance without any embarrassment and circle endlessly around the magnificent halls.

Currently, interest in waltz is not as bright as in the old days. This dance is more interested in professional dancers and real aesthetes. Schools, separate studios are created, where anyone can learn to perform waltzing movements. They are used in concert and competitive dance groups. However, many dance teachers love waltz for its compatibility with other genres - the result is a beautiful performance, where history is intertwined with modernity.

Interesting Facts

  • Waltz is literally tied up by the marriage of Leo Tolstoy and Sophia Andreevna Beers. The fact is that the graph still could not decide to make an offer to his beloved. When he languished indecisively in Sophia Andreevna’s house, he made a guess: if her younger sister Tatiana sings well the top note in Arditi’s Kiss, then he will immediately make an offer. Tanya did not let her down - after 5 minutes Sonia became the bride of a great writer.

  • During the Great Patriotic War, composers did not forget about waltzes, imposing touching music on the poems of poets. "In the frontline forest" by M. Blanter, "Song about the flashlight" by D. Shostakovich, "In the dugout" by K. Listova - some examples of compositions written in this genre to boost morale.

  • The English poet George Byron spoke ironically at the beginning of the 19th century about the waltz. He even composed a poem of the same name, where he ridiculed fashion trends.

  • Writing waltzes under the influence of sensual experience, love and tenderness was in the spirit of Fryderyk Chopin. On his creative path, several charming muses met: Constantia Gladkovskaya, Delphina Pototskaya, and Maria Vodzinska.

  • Known to many the play "Dog Waltz" has nothing to do with the genre stated in the title. Composition in size more like polka.

What is the waltz dancing?

To understand what dress code for a waltz is considered to be classic, it is enough to be at least once at the Vienna Opera Ball. Here reigns idyll of bygone eras, recreated by true connoisseurs of many loved dance.

A black dress coat with elongated tails at the back, a white shirt and a bow tie of the same color are mandatory elements of clothing for men. On the feet of exclusively classic models of shoes - oxfords or loafers with an elongated cape. Of the accessories, gold cufflinks, a white handkerchief, a pocket watch on a chain and white gloves are allowed. Previously, a lady could refuse a cavalier in the dance if he stood in front of her without gloves.

For women, be sure to dress to the floor with a fluffy skirt for easy movement around the room. In this case, it is desirable that the shoulders were bare, and the neckline was distinguished by a deep neckline. The colors are very different, except for white. A snow-white outfit is the privilege of those who first came to the ball. Complement the image of heeled shoes, sparkling jewelry, gloves and a miniature handbag. Hair should be collected and open neck.

Waltz Types

Viennese Waltz. November 17, 1786 in the Viennese theater "Burgtheater", which was considered one of the most prestigious in Austria, the premiere of the opera "Rare Thing" was held. Great hopes were pinned on the new work, as the theater was in crisis. The performance of the artists impressed the audience. But most of all the theater experts knew the finale of the second act, in which the girls danced to the music with the name "Waltz". It was the beginning of the Viennese waltz, which conquered the whole world with its beauty.

Tightened body, no hint of mannerism, lightness and elegance in the movements - all this is typical for this type of waltz. It seems that the pair seems to be floating in the air, barely touching the floor. Partners gently and simultaneously move quickly around the hall, enchanting those around them with their grace.

Interestingly, so far every year, the people of Vienna return to the past to enjoy the waltz and pay tribute to the traditions. The dance season opens the Imperial Ball, where guests in luxurious attire begin to whirl around the hall. Particular attention is paid to the observance of ballroom manners: from the selection of accessories to the costume to inviting your partner to dance. Although there are places where the classic gives way to an informal atmosphere.

Waltz boston. On one of the days of 1834, many distinguished persons gathered in the Boston mansion of Mrs. Otis. The reason for the meeting was an acquaintance with a new dance direction, a waltz. The idea to bring a piece of Viennese culture in the United States belongs to Lorenzo Papanti, a Boston dance teacher. But unlike the original, he presented the public with slower waltzing movements.

How did the American public respond to European traditions? Initially negative. Higher ranks called waltz obscene occupation. But by the middle of the XIX the New World was conquered, and the dance got its name - waltz-boston.

In this direction there is another name - English Waltz. The fact is that the American version more than once tried to win over the Europeans, who were condescending to the "stranger". And only at the beginning of the 20th century, the waltz-Boston fell in love with the inhabitants of the Old World. He enjoyed particular popularity in London, where an incredible number of varieties of this dance arose in a slow manner. Each dancer tried to create his own version, the most beautiful and beautiful.

Waltz-Boston inherent restraint and elegance in the movements. Partners move at a slow rhythm, making long, sliding steps. This is what distinguishes it from other varieties.

Figured waltz. The mid-twentieth century for the USSR was a time of rapid industrial development. The country was recovering from a terrible war. Do not forget about the leadership and the cultural side of the life of the Soviet people. According to the Supreme Council, citizens had to learn how to dance in a Soviet way. For this purpose, a ballroom dancing program was developed, which included a figure waltz.

The figure waltz is a simplified version of Vienna. He is deprived of complicated movements. The basis of dance is built on whirling. In this case, the partner is allowed to stand on one knee and rotate his companion around him. Due to its simplicity and romance, this type of waltz became the first dance of the newlyweds at the wedding.

Waltz and music

Fast, romantic dance managed to win the hearts of not only the secular people of Europe, but also composers. It was the waltz that became a muse for many famous personalities, whose life was filled with music.

  • Franz Schubert He loved to please his friends with a fun piano playing in one of the Viennese taverns. He improvised various melodies, among which the waltz most often sounded. While Franz masterfully touched the keys, the surrounding danced. He did not strive to record all the compositions composed on the fly. Only the brightest and most memorable, which the author gave no names, remained on paper. This did not prevent Schubert's waltzes from becoming a musical heritage.

  • Getting to know the young Frederic Chopin with a waltz, most likely, occurred in the village of Šafarne, where he spent his summer holidays. Rest and without rural holidays on which the youth waltzed under sounds of a violin did not manage. Frederic also received the honor of dancing with a young mural. From now on, his world was forever filled with a waltz. In total, he composed 17 compositions, or rather, only they reached us in print.

  • Alexander Sergeevich Griboedov had a passion for two types of art: literature and music. And if the comedy "Woe from Wit" is known to many since school days, then his two waltzes for some have gone unnoticed. Why are there only two? Unfortunately, Alexander Sergeevich rarely recorded his works on musical paper, although he was popular in Moscow and St. Petersburg musical societies.

  • Young violinist Johann Strauss He studied with the musicians who played in the tavern of his father. But Franz Strauss was against his son playing music - the boy was sent as a student to the bookbinder. But in spite of everything life has brought him to the world of music. Strauss composed original waltzes and originally played them in the "At the Flaming Rooster" tavern. In total, he wrote more than 150 waltzes and became one of the founders of the Vienna Waltz.

  • Composer-playwright Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky With pleasure I composed waltzes for operas, ballets, romances and suites. Thanks to him, the genre has acquired a different sound: it became not only a pretext for dancing, but also an expressive means. With the sounds of Tchaikovsky's waltz, colorful scenes unfold before the audience, filled with various household details.

  • Is it possible to describe the life of factory workers with a waltz? Yes. It succeeded Dmitri Dmitrievich Shostakovich. He wrote two waltzes in the old style for the film "Golden Mountains" about the St. Petersburg factory workers. Shostakovich has always dreamed of writing light and widely available music. Waltz helped him to realize this dream.

Ss Prokofiev, A.I. Khachaturian, Hector Berlioz, Maurice Ravel... It is possible to list the names of composers who composed a waltz for a long time. It is better to enjoy their works and allow yourself to spin in time with the music.

Waltz changed the dance world. He made him more expressive and more relaxed, more lyrical and heartier. Perhaps that is why he continues to live in the hearts of millions of people.

Watch the video: How To Waltz Dance For Beginners - Waltz Box Step (March 2025).

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