How to become a musician: simple strategies to achieve the desired goal

How to become a musician? Mastering musical instruments is an interesting and fascinating process in which a person’s creative abilities and perseverance are intertwined. You can be an amateur musician who plays music for his pleasure, or a professional who earns his livelihood by playing.

But are there any special verified ways to become a musician? Let's look at the main points of this question.

When to start making music?

It does not matter at what age you start a career as a musician. The main thing is to have the desire and free time for practicing music. Of course, while you are young, and you are supported by your parents, you usually have more free time, but at this age very few people seriously think about how to become a musician in the slightest degree of professional level.

Choosing and mastering a musical instrument

It is best to try several different tools. It may happen that you will not be able to play any instrument, while others will be able to master it masterly. Although, if there are specific preferences, then we must begin with them. Perhaps your first shot will hit the target immediately.

After choosing a musical instrument should learn the technique of playing on it. Even on the Internet, even now there are quite a lot of educational materials on the basics of gaming music, including video lessons. First you need to learn some elementary movements, learn the correct body and hand setting, acquire the instrument tuning skills, and then try to take chords and play simple melodies. The classical school of guitar, for example, begins with a description of the instrument, then the rules of fit and position of the hands are given. Then the basics of musical notation and guitar tuning are studied, and elementary skills of sound extraction are acquired.

The initial stage is always the most difficult (probably, purely in a motivational sense - the will to advance towards the goal is needed), but gradually, with the acquisition of skills, the process of playing the instrument becomes more and more exciting. And even some unfortunate technical exercises turn from torment to pure pleasure.

No need to be a lone wolf

Nobody can teach masterly possession of the instrument at home if you don’t want to learn, however, communication with other musicians helps a lot. Constant rehearsals, sessions with other musicians are not only communication, but also mastering more complex game elements. Not the best, but acceptable option would be your own musical group, aimed at a certain success. Generating general ideas, mastering new techniques will significantly improve the performance level.

It is very important to take part in concerts. This is the only way to show yourself, your skills, overcome fear of the public. Any performance in front of the audience raises the level of the musician, since the real energy of music arises precisely during the direct communication of listeners and performers.

Choosing a career path

The easiest way to start a career is vocational education in a music school, work in an orchestra or ensemble. This option is just super!

A worse option is to join a more or less well-known group. But in this case, you will not become a musician, but a member of some group, where you will have to reckon with the musical preferences of other musicians, to the detriment of your own ideas and development. For your own development, it is best to choose a group for yourself, become the main one in it, and then tell others how to become a musician.

Many now famous "musicians" began as studio instrumentalists. This gives you the opportunity to try yourself in different styles of music, besides session musicians receive a stable salary.

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