The nature of the musical work

Music, as the end result of mixing sounds and silence in time, conveys the emotional atmosphere, the subtle feelings of the person who wrote it.

According to the works of some scholars, music has the property of influencing both the psychological and physical condition of a person. Naturally, such a piece of music has its own character, laid down by the creator either purposefully or unconsciously.

Determining the nature of music by tempo and sound.

From the works of V. I. Petrushin, a Russian musician and educational psychologist, one can single out the following fundamentals of a musical nature in the work:

  1. Minor sound and slow tempo convey the emotions of sadness. Such a piece of music can be described as sad, conveying grief and despondency, bearing in itself regret about the irretrievable bright past.
  2. A major sound and a slow tempo carry a state of peace and satisfaction. The nature of the musical work in this case encompasses tranquility, contemplation and poise.
  3. Minor sound and fast tempo offer emotions of anger. The nature of the music can be described as passionate, agitated, tense-dramatic.
  4. Major coloring and fast pace, undoubtedly, convey emotions of joy, denoted optimistic and life-affirming, cheerful and jubilant character.

It should be emphasized that such elements of expressiveness in music as rhythm, dynamics, timbre and means of harmony are very important to reflect any of the emotions, the brightness of the transfer of musical specificity in the work strongly depends on them. If you conduct an experiment and play the same melody in a major or minor sound, at a fast or slow tempo, the melody will convey a completely different emotion and, accordingly, the general character of the musical work will change.

The ratio of the nature of the musical work and the temperament of the listener.

If we compare the opuses of classical composers with the works of modern masters, we can trace a certain tendency in the development of musical coloring. It becomes more and more complex and multifaceted, but the emotional background, character, is not significantly changed. Therefore, the nature of a piece of music is a constant that does not change as time passes. Works written 2-3 centuries ago, as well as affect the listener, as in the period of popularity among contemporaries.

It is revealed that a person chooses music for listening, not only based on his mood, but unconsciously given his temperament.

  1. Melancholic - slow minor music, emotion - sadness.
  2. Choleric - minor, fast music - emotion - anger.
  3. Phlegmatic - slow major music - emotion - calm.
  4. Sanguine - major, fast music - emotion - joy.

Absolutely all musical works have their own character and temperament. They were originally laid by the author, guided by feelings and emotions at the time of creation. However, not always the listener can decipher exactly what the author wanted to convey, since perception is subjective, passes through the prism of the listener's feelings and emotions, based on his personal temperament.

By the way, it is interesting for you to find out how and with the help of what means and words in the musical text the composers try to convey to the performers of their works the intended character? Read a short article and download music character tables.

The author - Stanislav Kolesnik

Watch the video: 3 Hour Brain Power Study Music: Nature Sounds, Focus Music, Studying Music, Work Music, 2620C (March 2025).

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