Myths and legends

Legend of the violin master

Flute pan

The Legend of Flute and Love

Legend of the origin of music

Devil's trill

The legend of the pipe

Kazakh legend of music

The Legend of Orpheus and Eurydice

Flute Appearance Myth

The Legend of the Piper from Kayla

Charango Legend

Since the ancient times music was indisputably important for man, it was an obligatory attribute of rites and rituals; with it, gentlemen confessed feelings to their ladies, and finally, even in battle, the army acted to the sounds of a musical instrument. It is not surprising that practically every nation has its own legends about great musicians, composers, and even works. Thanks to ancient myths and legends, you can learn a lot of new and interesting things about this amazing art form. We have collected for you the most interesting legends and myths, thanks to which you will not only get acquainted with the culture of various peoples of the world, from the ancient Greeks to the Lakota Indians, but also learn many unusual things about seemingly well-known things. Agree that music is a real miracle worthy of beautiful legends.

Watch the video: Scottish Myths & Legends (March 2025).

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