Flute Appearance Myth

Flute Appearance Myth

When Athena, the goddess of war and wisdom, learned about the love affair between Poseidon and the sea maiden Medusa, she turned the latter into a monster with a shock of snakes on her head. The Medusa's sister was not without punishment. Experiencing the wrath of the goddess had Spheno and Euryale.

But simple punishment was not enough for Athena. And then she ordered Perseus to bring the head of Medusa to the Gorgon. The death of her sister was a tragedy for Evrialy and Spheno. Athena heard their groans and decided to make a musical instrument that would repeat the sisters' bitter weeping. For this, she took deer bone and made a double avlos or flute. With him, she went to the feast of the gods, where she played the assembled tragedy.

Stop playing, Athena heard the laughter of Hera and Aphrodite. This caused bewilderment of the goddess: she could not understand the reasons for their behavior. Walking around the creek with an avlos in her hands, Athena paid attention to her reflection during the game. Her cheeks were swollen, giving her face an ugly look. In anger, she threw the flute and cursed everyone who touches her.

Curses of the goddess is not afraid of the shepherd Marsh. He found a flute and began to play tragic melodies on it, forcing others to admire his play. Universal jubilation led to the fact that Marsyas turned into a proud, boastful youth. His pride passed all boundaries when he challenged Apollo himself to compete.

The god of light accepted the challenge and began to play on the golden kithar. Wonderful sounds filled the space around. Then the right of the game passed to Marcia. His music was no worse, but the victory was still awarded to the golden-voiced god. After the contest, Apollo ordered the impudent shepherd to be hanged by the hands so that he could never play the flute again.

Watch the video: Pan: The God of the Wild Syrinx: The Flute of Pan Greek Mythology See U in History (March 2025).

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