How to do homework solfegio?

For some reason, many subjects solfegio seems too complicated, incomprehensible and confusing. A particular problem in such cases is the performance of the solfeggio homework. Why? Because at home, each of you students remains alone with a lesson, just not understanding how to act so that everything will probably work out.

Dear friends! Let us form together with you, let's learn how to do homework for solfeggio independently and without errors. Now read a little what we have prepared for you. Of course, there are no “recipes” or finished works here. But there is something completely different here - we will treat your thoughts, we will learn to tune in to work with pleasure. Yes, any homework is work, and it is important to understand.

What needs to be done in class?

You are still in the classroom, its ending is approaching. What do you have to do without leaving the classroom?

  1. Record as much as possible write homework in diary. Do not rely on your memory - everything flies out of your head, after just 10 minutes. It only seems to you that you already remember everything!
  2. Find out what textbooks or books you need.. This is not always necessary, but sometimes relevant (for example, if you have been given a synopsis, a crossword puzzle, or a report). If you do not have the necessary books at home, then after the lesson, without losing time and the opportunity to get a copy of the textbook, go to the library.
  3. If the task is not clear, then immediately ask the teacher to explain the task to you personally. Do not be shy about this issue. Yes, one should not be afraid to ask, even if the teacher screamed a whole lesson for the whole class. She still will not kill you, most importantly speak politely. What can I say? It is possible so "Marya Ivanovna, explain, please, to me the task such-and-such". Marya Ivanovna may object: “And what do you think it is impossible for you to stop here? Did I say something unclear?” And maybe calmly explain everything. In any case, at least try! In the first case, you can clarify what you specifically do not understand, or just ask to repeat. Maybe the reason is that you did not fully hear the task and, accordingly, did not completely fix it in the diary? In addition, in response to Marya Ivanovna, you can ask clarifying questions: "And do this in writing or orally? And here you need to build on sound or tonality?" etc. The more angry Marya Ivanovna is, the more you triumph over her (you are calm, even though you are afraid of her?).

When to do homework for ear training?

Come home - rest, if possible. When will we do our homework? You can the day after the lesson, you can a day or two. It is not recommended to do homework for solfeggio directly on the day of the next lesson, as well as before going to bed on the eve of this day. Do not leave such matters at last, assign time (half-time) in your life, which you will devote to solfeggio, and strictly observe the regime.

For example, a lesson on solfege on Monday at 10.00. I will do my homework on the ear training every Thursday from 11.00 to 11.30 or from 11.00 to 12.00. I am not a wimp and will not break the rules that I invented myself.

What are the homework for solfege and how to perform them?

They are different. We divide them into several categories:

1. Singing numbers by notes and learning them by heart

This is the main type of exercise, which is asked for almost every lesson. The tasks here are simple: to conduct and sing the right notes in the right rhythm. What to work out? Rhythm, if it is difficult (triple, dotted, sixteenth). Intonation, if there are complex turns (they can not be). How to work on intonation? It is necessary to determine the tone and degrees that are involved in complex intonation. Awareness of their place in harmony should direct in the right direction and singing.

Still useful to do intonation analysis. This is when we determine the direction of movement of the melody (up, down, in place), the method of movement (smoothly in steps, jumps, in chromaticity) or intervals between individual sounds. We teach a difficult place separately (we directly take two or three sounds and repeat until we learn to sing them easily and naturally).

For singing to be expressive, it is necessary to consciously divide the entire flow of sounds into motives, phrases and sentences. Why? Yes, because any number from the collection of solfeggio is an example taken from musical literature. This is a piece of work that is sung or played. The division of the fragment into semantic parts must be felt. Something can help in this case the text, if it is. The boundaries of musical phrases coincide with the boundaries of verse phrases.

2. Construction of scales, intervals, chords in pitch and sound

This is also a type of work that is often asked. The usual task assumes that all this needs to be built in a musical notebook in writing, and then also to sing with a voice or to play. For example, ask to write and sing the gamma tetrachord. You know, yes, how is it?

For some reason, these tasks cause the greatest fear, as they are connected with the theory of music. Yes, they are connected, so what’s wrong with that? You will never be asked that you did not pass the lesson. Therefore, to do this homework, look at your notebooks - with the rules and with the cool work. Perhaps you have examples there? Surely they will. Just repeat what you did in class. And if not? Then you just need to find the necessary theoretical material and be sure to understand it. And do not worry that will not work or that spend a lot of time. It turns out, and time spent by itself will pay back with interest.

If you missed the lesson where the new topic was explained, try to use at least the explanations that are on our site. Here is just a list of topics for which we already have materials:

  • Three types of minor are HERE
  • Three types of major are HERE
  • How to build newts - HERE
  • How to build characteristic intervals - HERE
  • How to memorize key signs - HERE
  • About four types of triad - HERE
  • Pro dominant seventh chord - HERE
  • About intro seventh chords HERE

3. Theoretical work - crossword puzzles, reports, exam tickets

These are the most interesting tasks. Crossword puzzles need to be composed of terms and explanations to them from among those that you wrote down in class. Why so, and not otherwise? Because your crossword should be solved by your classmate, and he will look for answers, first of all, in his notebook. Well, if he has everything in order, of course!

Regarding the reports - the source of literature and content is always better to check with the teacher. Regarding the preparation of responses to tickets for the exam. This is always looking for notebooks for the rules, or where you wrote down all the information on new topics. As a last resort, fill your records with the help of our website, or with the help of theoretical textbooks downloaded from the Internet.

For example, there is such a very good textbook - Vakhromeev "Elementary Theory of Music". Of course, it is not intended for schoolchildren, but the average schoolchild may well use it. There everything that a schoolboy needs is set out in an orderly and brief way, without further ado.

4. creative tasks

Here the tasks can be very different. These are drawings on a given topic, and, of course, the composing of music, songs, poems, selection of accompaniment and selection of the second voice. What to say? Creative tasks are therefore called creative, because in them you need to somehow manifest yourself. Do not hesitate to compose music as God puts on soul. Weren't you taught this? The only problem is that you write everything with notes, therefore, do not prepare particularly complex and long compositions for the lesson - let it be small and light.

Where can I read the instructions for such tasks?

  • How to make a crossword - HERE
  • An example of a finished puzzle for solfegio - HERE
  • How to write the lyrics - HERE
  • How to compose a melody - HERE

Why do I have to do solfeggio at home?

You will not argue with the fact that the subject of solfeggio represent any, but significant complexity for many. So life is arranged, that only a single hour per week is devoted to studying solfegio. This is very little, because in a week absolutely everything will fly out of the “student” heads.

If you do not consolidate the knowledge gained at home, then it will become more and more difficult to learn. But if you study at home regularly, then problems with the subject will disappear by themselves, and all science will become a mere trifle for you.

What you should never do, but still you can sometimes?

Never shift the responsibility for homework to another person - to mom, for example. Don't let your parents help you with your homework. You have to handle it yourself. Do not look for ready-made answers to homework solfegio on the Internet and do not leave requests for help in the comments on our website or on the website "Answers on". This is shameful! Do not disgrace!

What can? You can ask the help of a knowledgeable person, if you really really lazy. But for the help you must pay. Nobody will solve your own problems just like that!

Watch the video: Studying Music for Better Concentration: Focus Music for Work, Study Music to Concentrate and Focus (March 2025).

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