Crossword "Life and Works of JS Bach"

I present a new musical crossword, it is dedicated to the topic "The Life and Work of JS Bach". It has 25 questions of average difficulty. Almost all the questions you can find answers in the encyclopedia or textbook on musical literature for the music school.

To make it easier to solve (answers, as always given at the end) crossword on the topic of Bach, I will inform you a few facts in the topic. His name is Baha Johann Sebastian, he is the greatest composer of the Baroque era. He was born in 1685, curiously, in the same year two more large Baroque composers were born - the German G.F. Handel and Italian D. Scarlatti.

During his life, I.S. Bach many times moved from one German city to another, and never traveled outside the country. The main milestones of the composer's creative journey are connected with 3 cities: Weimar, Leipzig and Kothen. Y.S. Baha was a big family. Four of his sons became famous composers.

Bach’s composer’s heritage is about 1000 works in various genres. These are major spiritual and secular vocal-instrumental compositions (Passions ("passions"), oratorios and cantatas), a lot of organ music, music for clavier ("Inventions and Symphonies", 2 volumes of "Well Tempered Clavier", French (6), English (6) suites and Partitas (also 6)), concerts for solo instruments with orchestra, and purely orchestral ("Brandenburg Concerts"), etc.

After this biographical reference, you already have the answers to many questions from our crossword on the work of Bach. It's time to start solving all other questions.

So, the crossword on Bach:

Questions horizontal:

  1. The melody that sounds simultaneously with the theme of the fugue, but in a different voice.
  2. The German composer, who was born in the same year as I.S. Bah
  3. The famous Italian composer, who was also born in the same year as I.S. Bach (1685).
  4. The name of the German dicotyledonous dance, which was an obligatory part of any suite for clavier.
  5. What is the name of the play, which precedes each fugue in the collections of "The Well-Tempered Clavier"?
  6. What are the names of the old church tunes that Bach handled, creating beautiful small organ pieces based on their melodies?
  7. An ancient keyboard and string instrument, the melodious sound of which arose as a result of pressing the strings with metal plates.
  8. What is the section in the fugue called, when no topic sounds in any of the voices?
  9. A musical instrument with black-and-white keys, with a ringing rattling sound that appears from a pinch of a string with a feather.
  10. What did Bach call his three voiced inventions?
  11. The French three-piece dance at a fairly fast pace, which was necessarily included in any clavier suite.
  12. How else can we call the genre of church music "passion"?

Questions on the vertical:

  1. What is the name of the polyphonic reception in the fugue, when a new theme is introduced before the end of the previous one?
  2. Translated, this word means “running,” but this word also refers to the genre of polyphonic music.
  3. In addition to the speedy dance tempo, the old suite included one obligatory slow Spanish dance, often of a mourning or dramatic nature. What was this dance?
  4. In which city did Bach stay, working as a court organist and composing a lot of music for an organ?
  5. For classes with students I.S. Bach, a diligent teacher, created small clavier plays, which, in his opinion, were supposed to instill in students a love for composing. What are these plays?
  6. What musical era do the life and work of I.S. Baha?
  7. What is the name of the polyphonic device when the theme, sounded in one voice, is immediately repeated in another voice?
  8. The city in which I.S. Bach was born.
  9. In which city is I.S. Bach served as cantor at the church of St. Thomas, while creating a lot of choral music?
  10. As is known, four obligatory dances were included in the old suite. What is the name of the fast dance of the English sailors, which usually ends with such a suite?
  11. What keyboard and wind instrument at the same time is comparable to an orchestra in terms of riches with timbres and power of sound? Sometimes this instrument is even called the "king of musical instruments."
  12. After the death of Bach, his work was forgotten for a long time, Bach's music underwent a second birth only in the 19th century. A major role in this was played by the performance of the “Matthew Passion” by no one in Europe yet. Thanks to what German composer did this performance take place?
  13. Recall Beethoven's statement about the name of I.S. Baha. What does the word "bang" mean in German? How can it be translated into Russian?

Answers to the crossword puzzle on bach:

Horizontal: 1. Contradiction 2. Handel 3. Scarlatti 4. Allemande 5. Prelude 6. Choral 7. Clavicord 8. Intermedia 9. Harpsichord 10. Symphonies 11. Courant 12. Passions.

Vertical: 1. Stretta 2. Fugue 3. Sarabande 4. Weimar 5. Inventions 6. Baroque 7. Imitation 8. Eisenach 9. Leipzig 10. Gigue 11. Organ 12. Mendelssohn 13. Brook.

Bach crossword is another crossword from the series of "nominal" crossword puzzles, that is, such musical crossword puzzles that are dedicated to the personality of a particular single composer. In this series also - Tchaikovsky crossword, Mozart crossword, Glinka crossword.

In conclusion - listen to one of the most famous works of the composer - Choral Prelude in F Minor. This is the organ melody of the choral "I call upon you, Lord." Music of unearthly beauty and extraordinary depth.

Watch the video: How to Create a Crossword Puzzle. WIRED (March 2025).

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