The musical development of the child: a reminder for parents - are you doing everything right?

In many life issues, people tend to take diametrically opposed positions. So in the issue of children's musical development there are differences. Some claim that every child must be able to play a musical instrument, make music. Others, on the contrary, say that music is something frivolous and you should not wrestle with your head over how to develop your child correctly musically.

Each parent decides that his child is better, but it is scientifically proven that harmoniously developed people adapt to life better. Therefore, it is not necessary to prepare each child to be a great musician, but it is simply necessary to use music to harmonize the personality. Music contributes to the growth of the brain, activating in it zones of logic and intuition, speech and associative thinking.

Music lessons - the way of knowing oneself. A person who has managed to know himself will be able to play the role of the “first violin” in any team.

How to properly carry out the musical development of the child, from what age it is better to start it, what means and methods for this to use, it is necessary to think of caring parents.

Debunk Myths

Myth 1. Often parents believe that since a child has no hearing, it means that a cross should be put on the music.

It has been scientifically proven that ear for music is not an innate quality, but an acquired, trained (with rare exceptions). The most important thing is the child’s desire to make music.

Myth 2 The musical development of the crumbs should be to attend concerts of classical, symphonic or even jazz music.

It does not take into account that his attention is still very briefly. Strong emotions, loud sounds are more likely to harm the psyche of the baby, and a long stay in a stationary position is harmful and simply unbearable.

Myth 3. It is necessary to begin musical development from 5-7 years.

One can easily disagree with this. A child is able to hear music and perceive it positively in the womb. From this moment begins the passive musical development of the child.

Methods of early musical development

If parents have set themselves the goal to raise a child musically developed, they can use the techniques of early and even intrauterine musical development:

  • "Know the notes before you go" Tyuleneva P.V.
  • "Music with Mom" ​​by Sergey and Ekaterina Zheleznov.
  • "Sonatal" Lazarev M.
  • Suzuki method, etc.

Since the child most of the time is in the family, which every second influences him, forms his tastes, then musical development begins here. Musical culture and musical preferences of different families are not the same, but at the same time for the full development, you need a combination of different types of musical activities:

  • perception;
  • musical and imaginative activities;
  • performance;
  • creation.

Music is like speech

It is important to understand that teaching the native language and music is identical. Children easily and naturally learn their native language using only three ways:

  1. Are listening
  2. Imitate
  3. Repeat

The same principle is used when teaching music. The musical development of the child occurs not only during specially organized classes, but also when listening to music while drawing, quiet games, singing, performing dance-rhythmic movements, etc.

Develop - step by step:

  1. Develop an interest in music (create a music corner, purchase elementary musical instruments or create instruments with your own hands, find records).
  2. Every day, and not occasionally, surround the child with music. It is necessary to sing the baby, to listen to musical works - separate masterpieces of the classics in the children's arrangement, folk music, children's songs.
  3. Catching up with the crumb to use various melodic rattles, and with older children to play elementary rhythmic and musical instruments: tambourine, drum, xylophone, pipe, etc.
  4. Learn to feel the melody, rhythm.
  5. To develop a musical ear, associative thinking (for example, to voice out loud, to show or sketch images in the album that certain music causes, to try to correctly enter the melody).
  6. Singing to the child and with him lullabies, songs, nursery rituals, with older children is interesting to sing karaoke.
  7. Attend children's musical performances, concerts, arrange their own performances.
  8. Stimulate the creative imagination and artistic expression of the child.


  • Take into account the age and individual characteristics of the child. The duration of classes with children should not exceed 15 minutes.
  • Do not overload and do not force, causing rejection of music.
  • Show a personal example, to participate in joint music making.
  • Use a set of visual, verbal and practical teaching methods.
  • It is right to choose a musical repertoire depending on the child’s age, well-being and time of the child.
  • Do not shift the responsibility for the musical development of the child in kindergarten and school. Joint activities of parents and teachers will significantly increase the level of development of the baby.

Music School: enrolled, walked, quit?

Vivid interest in music and high comprehension at the senior preschool age can serve as an occasion to continue the musical development already outside the family - at a music school.

The task of parents is to help the child pass the entrance exam, prepare him for entering a music school, and support him. This requires a bit:

  • to learn a song, with a simple melody and words that are well understood by the child;
  • teach to hear and repeat the rhythm.

But quite often, after passing the exam, and having eagerly enrolled in school, in a couple of years, children no longer want to study music. How to keep this desire:

  • It is right to choose a musical instrument that will correspond not only to the wishes of the parent, but also to take into account the interests of the child, his physiological features.
  • Music lessons should not infringe on other interests of the child.
  • Parents should constantly show their interest, support and encourage the child.

Having set a goal for himself and starting the first steps in the musical development of a child, each parent should remember the words of the famous teacher and pianist Neygauz GG. that even the best teachers will be powerless in teaching a child to music if the parents themselves are indifferent to it. And it is only in their power to “infect” a kid with love for music, to organize the first classes correctly, to develop the need for training in a music school and to keep this interest until the end.

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Watch the video: 10 Traits of Toxic Parents Who Ruin Their Childrens Lives (March 2025).

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