The best romances of all time

What is romance? The root of this word is capable of embarrassing and leading far away from the correct answer - to recall the Romanesque style in art, the literary genre of the novel, and finally, such an artistic style of the first third of the XIX century, as romanticism. In fact, all these phenomena relate to the romance as a song genre weak or do not have at all ...

From the history it is known that collections of Spanish songs of the same subject and similar in the plot were called "romancero." When the genre came to other countries, the word became a term. Today, a romance is understood as a poem laid on a musical and rhythmic basis. It is, as a rule, lyrical in nature, narrates about love. Performing romances requires not only strength, but also the beauty of a singer's voice. Music is not just an addition to the verses, but an important component of the entire mini-performance.

Where do without them something! ...

Gypsies are a special people. The nomadic way of life, the disorder of relations, the eternal disagreement with the law, the absence of their own state. But also a special song culture. If you ask many, many people what kind of romance will be the best romance of all time for them, then there is no doubt that among the first ones Black Eyes will be called.

Many layers of the Russian pre-revolutionary intelligentsia from Pushkin to Blok liked to listen to the Gypsy to selflessness and to tears. Apollo Grigoriev, who wrote the poem “Oh, speak at least you are with me / Seven-string girlfriend!”, Which has since become firmly rooted in the song culture, has a particular weakness for gypsy melodies. Now this song with the same refrain "Oh, once, once again, many, many times" in whose only repertoire is not present. In fact, the variation on gypsy themes turned out to be stronger than the original gypsy songs.

And yet - about the "Eyes". Like the poem by Grigoriev, this text has undergone changes in vocal performance. Each performer, at least little by little, but introduced a "gag" - starting with the master of the Russian song of the early twentieth century Fyodor Ivanovich Chaliapin. It is not surprising that the author of the text went into the shadows, or rather, to say that only the first stanza remained of his authorship. He was the Ukrainian poet Yevgeny Grebinka (Krebenka), a friend of the much more famous Kobzar, Taras Shevchenko.

The story of the creation of the poem is banal and dramatic at the same time: Grebinka fell in love without memory of a girl named Maria, wrote his masterpiece overnight, a year later he confessed to the subject of his passion in passion itself, and four years later he passed away, having only “killed” family happiness ... It is also curious that the now forgotten French composer Florian Herman later fitted to this romance the melody of a military march - the same one with which the French invaded Russia in 1812.

What is Kolchak ...

Among the best romances of all times and Russia in its own way is unique and the romance "Burn, Burn, My Star". One of the most sentimental legends ascribes it to the authorship of Admiral Kolchak. With this romance on the lips, they say, Kolchak and died. That's just the discrepancy goes: the year of birth of Kolchak - 1874 minutes. A poem, which became a romance, was written in 1846-1847. It was timed to the 700th anniversary of Moscow, widely celebrated then.

And the star mentioned in the text is not at all symbolic: astronomer Le Verrier discovered the planet Neptune at that time and was soon able to see it through a telescope. The future lawyer, and then still a student at Moscow University, Vladimir Chuevsky, wrote poems, composer Peter Bulakhov - music.

But only performed by singer Vladimir Sabinin, the song "went" and became incredibly popular. Then, for some reason, the new authorities considered the romance to be “White Guard”, and even such singers as S. Lemeshev and I. Kozlovsky had to perform it almost illegally. He triumphantly "returned" to his homeland only after he sounded in the American film adaptation of "War and Peace" in 1957.

Immediately - in the ladies!

Perhaps controversial will be considered a romance song Besame mucho, but it is also pointless to deny that the best romances of all time will lose without her presence in this richest congregation. The author of the text and music, Consuelo Velasquez, was only 16 years old when, in 1941, she was inspired by the aria from the opera “Goyescas” by Spanish composer Enrique Granados. The young Mexican was very musically gifted by nature. This is evidenced by the fact that only at the age of 15 she began to teach the piano course. So is it any wonder the appearance of the masterpiece and the fact that already three years later the song won in one of the New York charts. By the way, the first of all Mexican songs.

Since then, more than sixty years have passed. Unfortunately, in 2005, Consuelo Velasquez did not become ... And the song is alive. Few people know that the path of the Liverpool Four - the English group "The Beatles" - also began with this song. And Placido Domingo himself invariably includes her in the programs of his solo performances.

Watch the video: Top 10 Movie Romances of All Time (March 2025).

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